Monday, July 21, 2008

Health Insurance

I find that whenever I'm thinking about something and it is brought up in the media it is everywhere.

Saturday Chris led me to Michael Savage's statement, Sunday I read a post at Womanist Musings where someone commented on and I replied regarding insurance. This morning I received an e-mail that led me to a link for the Courier Journal, Louisville's newspaper.

The Courier did an article that featured families struggling with the rising cost of health care. I thought they did a good job of conveying what many families are dealing with. I was able to relate to it on a personal and professional level.

Personally our family has struggled to pay for private insurance for years as well as the cost of going to the doctor if we do end up going. Professionally, the article speaks about a family struggling to pay for therapy for their son who has autism (click on the "Haysley family" link under videos at the bottom of the page) because their insurance company will no longer pay for it.

Check it out, I'm hoping that with more articles like this one something will change regarding insurance payment for Applied Behavior Analysis as a therapy for children with autism and for insurance as a whole.


Unknown said...

I should connect you with some folks in the Presbyterian Church (USA) - some of the folks I know through Presbyterian Health, Education, and Welfare Association were working on a resolution at our General Assembly mandating that our insurance policy cover just such types of therapies. My e-mail is my comment handle at the e-mail service who shares handles with blogger dot com. If you're interested, drop me a note, and I'll put you in touch with the peeps.

Unknown said...

oops, currently under a different identity - change the handle to cucucahchoo